Friday, May 15, 2009

Biting, hair pulling, cursing, OH MY!


Teaching Mommy how to blog.

I'm made up of sugar, cupcakes, ponies, and other sweet and loving things. I do act that way most days too. Sometimes though, I like to mix things up!

Last weekend, I got to sleep over at MomMom's house and I love it there. We play with all the cool toys she finds me at yard sales and she lets me sleep in her cool! Speaking of sleeping in her bed, MomMom was putting me down for the night and my sweetness turned a certain shade of sour. We were laying down reading a book and I started to tickle MomMom which is so fun, but then like a vampire, I got the urge to bite! I bit MomMom really hard on the shoulder and hurt her. She asked me why I bit her and I told her I was "sowwy" and I was, but I don't know why I did it. I guess I thought it would be fun. It wasn't.

My Mommy's job is to take care of me and help me grow into a smart, strong, independant girl. Mommy and I were cuddling on the couch the other day and that shade of sour came over me again like a villan on one of my cartoons. I pulled Mommy's hair really hard! It hurt her very badly. Mommy asked me why I pulled her hair and I started to cry. I don't know why I did it, I guess I wanted to shake things up and boy did I. Mommy told me never to pull hair because it hurts ;peoples feelings and makes them sad so I won't do that again.

We went on a awesome trip to Knobles park on Saturday. It was so much fun! Mommy, me, Lauren and Bryson were there with Aunt Mary and Joey...I yike Joey. He's so nice to me. Enough about him. Mommy was telling Lauren how I sometimes say a curse word and she was surprised that I said that. I wasn't paying attention to what Mommy and Lauren were talking about because I was too busy eating all of Bryson's goldfish but then all of a sudden, it came out of nowhere..."Dammit!" Mommy keeps telling me that that is not a nice word to say and good girls don't use that word but I just love to say it sometimes. It's fun to say, don't you think? Say it with me...Gotcha!

Bryson and I on the way to Knobles, I call him "Yison"

Yison and I at the North Pole at Knobles. It was really cold!

Yison and I seepin in the car on the way home.

Anyway, I'm really trying not to say curse words or bit, or pull hair. I'm trying really hard to be a good girl for Mommy and Daddy.

Gotta go now, there's a puppy outside that I have to pet.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My name is Amelia and I am a blogger.

Welcome to my blog! This is where I will chronicle my day to day life. I am a feisty 2-year-old and am constantly learning (and repeating) new things.

I love to take Mommys laptop and work on my projects when she's not looking, so I figured I would give blogging a try.